

Welcome to the Metaware Installation and Administration Guide! Metaware is a Java-based web service that deals with metadata information, and it can run on Tomcat.

It is an implementation of the FIWARE Metadata Store Management Platform Generic Enabler, from Telecom Italia and Consoft Sistemi S.p.A.

Any feedback on this document is highly welcome, including bug reports, typos or stuff you think should be included but is not. Please send the feedback through GitHub. Thanks in advance.

User guide

The interaction with Metaware is designed to work only through RESTful APIs, and no user interface is currently implemented; for these reasons we assume that the audience is mainly composed by developers and engineers, so please refer to the following section of this manual.

Programming guide

As mentioned in the Installation and Administration Guide, Metaware is composed by three layers: 1. the Web application (metaware) is the upper layer which exposes the RESTful APIs, together with the related services; this layer is also in charge to start the connection to the database, which is then managed by the lower layer. 2. the middle-layer (metaware-dao) is composed by the DAO definitions of Metaware (including entities definition); this layer contains also some basic string definitions and custom exceptions. 3. the lower-layer contains the DAO implementation based on MongoDB, together with the basic entities definition; indeed, this is the layer that directly communicates with the MongoDB instance.

Please note that even if the entities definition is included in both middle and lower-layer, only the latter is really involved in the workflow of Metaware; the former can be considered only as a line-guide (and indeed the DAO are interface classes). This is mainly due to some technical restrictions imposed by the usage of MongoDB; in a future release, the middle-layer will be completely included in the lower-layer, in order to "clean-up" the code.


The following represents a list of entities, or objects, declared and used in Metaware.

Before proceeding with the analysis of each entity it is extremely important to mention that every Java entity class extends a BasicDBObject. This extension allows to deal with MongoDB objects and facilitate the data-flow from and to MongoDB itself. One of the most notable fact about this extension is that all the entity classes are managed like a Map and this means that the entity values are not "physically" stored in the internal variables, but stored as a "key-value" pair in a Map (which indeed comes from the BasicDBObject). By having a look to the various "getters" and "setters" it is possible to see that there is not direct variable assignation, but instead the methods put(String key), get(String key), get<type>(String key) are used.

The get<type>(String key) method is used to execute the automatic conversion (when possible) of the requested field to the specified type. Some examples are: getString(String key), getLong(String key), getObjectId(String key). In Metaware when the type of the requested field is known, such methods are used instead of the generic one, in order to include an additional layer in type-checking. Obviously, if the type of the selected field does not have the corresponding method, the generic one is called, together with the explicit type conversion (get(String key) returns an Object).

A possible alternative to the current usage of MongoDB Java driver consists in using a ORM, like Morphia, which can definitely speed-up the development, but for this version of Metaware we chose to use natively the MongoDB Java driver and deal with BasicDBObjects.

Another important note is that most of the following entities, in addition to the specified internal fields, they have the _id field, which is automatically added once the entity is stored in the database. The type of this field is ObjectId.


This entity contains the basic information that can be associated to a common company.

This entity is most probably the "easiest" one, since it doesn't contain any reference to other entities; the schema is the following:

Key name Value type
name String
description String
email String
phone String
address String
url String

The Company entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Company


A department belongs to a company and such relation is made by the presence of the Id of the associated company. The type of this Id is ObjectId.

Key name Value type Note
name String
description String
company_id ObjectId At the web application level this field is represented as a String
email String
phone String

The Department entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Department.


A user can be related to a department and a company, and indeed the schema contains both references.

Key name Value type Note
name String
surname String
email String
phone String
address String
company_id ObjectId At the web application level this field is represented as a String
department_id ObjectId At the web application level this field is represented as a String
username String
password String The value is hashed
role String Can be basic or admin

The hash of the password is computed before the storage by the UserService class (at the web application layer).

The User entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.User.


A permission is associated to one entity like Algorithm, Dataset, Data-Source, or Process. It specifies if a user, a department, or a company, can or cannot perform a read, update, or delete action.

This entity does not include the _id field, since it is only stored as a sub-document of an outer entity.

Key name Value type Note
referenceId ObjectId This refers to a User, a Department, or a Company
perm String Can be a combination of r, u, and d

Some possible values of perm are: r, ru, ud, and rud, which respectively means "the user | department | company specified in the referenceId can read | read and update | update and delete | read, update and delete the related entity".

The Permission entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Permission.


The following is the schema of the Algorithm metadata entity.

Key name Value type Note
name String
description String
type String
creationDate Long Represented as Unix time
lastModifiedDate Long Represented as Unix time
permissions List<Permission> List of permission specifications
owner ObjectId This refers to a User, a Department, or a Company
At the web application level this field is represented as a String
status String
model String
subModel String
hiveQuery String
elapsedTime Long Represented as Unix time
runNumber int
logUrl String

The Algorithm entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Algorithm.


The following is the schema of the Dataset metadata entity; which is completed by the entity called DatasetStructure (sub-entity)

Key name Value type Note
name String
description String
type String
creationDate Long Represented as Unix time
lastModifiedDate Long Represented as Unix time
permissions List<Permission> List of permission specifications
owner ObjectId This refers to a User, a Department, or a Company
At the web application level this field is represented as a String
status String
readOnly boolean
structure DatasetStructure See the following entity

Thanks to the exposition of ImportOpenData and ExportOpenData APIs, Dataset metadata entity can also be represented in DCAT format (XML - RDF). The following is an example of a Dataset in DCAT representation.

It is important to know that conversion from "normal" entity representation to DCAT is not lossless, and indeed future release of Metaware will improve this functionality.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    xmlns:foaf="" >
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <dct:description>Bike Sharing of Turin from AperTO</dct:description>
        <dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:title>Bike Sharing</dct:title>
        <adms:contactPoint rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">2016-09-18T03:01:01</dct:modified>
        <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2014-09-18T03:01:01</dct:issued>
        <dcat:distribution rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <foaf:name>Telecom Italia</foaf:name>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <vcard:street-address>Via Reiss Romoli 274 Torino</vcard:street-address>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <foaf:name>Telecom Italia</foaf:name>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <dct:description>Comma separated value file</dct:description>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <dcat:dataset rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:license rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:title>Default Catalog Title</dct:title>
        <dct:publisher rdf:resource=""/>
        <dct:description>This is the default catalog for MetaWare.</dct:description>
        <dct:modified rdf:datatype="">2015-09-04T10:40:18</dct:modified>
        <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2015-09-04T10:40:18</dct:issued>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <vcard:hasAddress rdf:resource=""/>
        <vcard:hasTelephone rdf:resource=""/>
        <vcard:hasEmail rdf:resource=""/>
        <vcard:fn>Telecom Italia</vcard:fn>

The Dataset entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Dataset.


The DatasetStructure is a sub-entity (or sub-document) of Dataset, and for this reason it does not have the _id field. This sub-entity does not have a well-defined schema neither, because each dataset can have a different structure; the class DatasetStructure should be considered as a simple Map.

The following is an example of Dataset and the DatasetStructure (field structure) contains a certain number of keys that specify the various fields contained in the metadata object.

    "_id": "55b2415196f0bc192c79cc31",
    "name": "Skate Sharing",
    "description": "Skate Sharing of Turin from AperTO",
    "type": "Default type",
    "creationDate": 1411002061,
    "lastModifiedDate": 1474160461,
    "permissions": [],
    "owner": "550812fab2d1f89cb41208c2",
    "status": "public",
    "readOnly": false,
    "structure": {
        "ID_SKATE_SHARING": "String",
        "NAME_HUB": "String",
        "UBICAZIONE": "String",
        "URL": "String",
        "COORD_X": "Float",
        "COORD_Y": "Float"

So the previous example is the metadata of the Dataset, instead the final Dataset will be something like this:

11 hub1 Street 1 http://example/skate/11 45.1 45.2
22 hub1 Street 1 http://example/skate/22 45.1 45.2
33 hub2 Street 4 http://example/skate/33 47.1 45.9

As you can see, the titles of the various columns are exactly the same fields of the structure sub-document.

The DatasetStructure sub-entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.DatasetStructure.


The following is the schema of the Data-Source metadata entity.

Key name Value type Note
name String
description String
type String
creationDate Long Represented as Unix time
lastModifiedDate Long Represented as Unix time
permissions List<Permission> List of permission specifications
owner ObjectId This refers to a User, a Department, or a Company
At the web application level this field is represented as a String
status String
subtype String
url String
username String
password String
resourceType String Can be table, query, or file
resource String Can be table name, query, file name

The Data-Source entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.DataSource.


The following is the schema of the Process metadata entity.

Key name Value type Note
name String
description String
type String
creationDate Long Represented as Unix time
lastModifiedDate Long Represented as Unix time
permissions List<Permission> List of permission specifications
owner ObjectId This refers to a User, a Department, or a Company
At the web application level this field is represented as a String
status String
frequence String
startingTime Long Represented as Unix time
lastRunTime Long Represented as Unix time
runNumber Long
processingBlock List<ProcessingBlock> See the following entity

The Process entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Process.


The ProcessingBlock is a sub-entity (or sub-document) of Process, and for this reason it does not have the _id field; instead, it has a precise schema, which is the following.

Key name Value type
order int
block String

The ProcessingBlock sub-entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.ProcessingBlock.


For each entity type (i.e., Algorithm, Dataset, Data-Source, Process), there is a Template that describes the various key-value pairs contained in each schema (actually, the real schema is described in the field details, described below).

Contrary to the other entities, the index of Template is represented by the field name and indeed it does not have the _id field (which is not necessary).

The following is the basic schema of a Template.

Key name Value type Note
name String
details TemplateDetails See the following entity

The Template entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.Template.


Similarly to DatasetStructure, TemplateDetails is a sub-entity (or sub-document) of Template, and for this reason it does not have the _id field. This sub-entity does not have a well-defined schema and indeed the class TemplateDetails is treated like a Map.

The following is an example of Template and the TemplateDetails (field details) contains a certain number of keys that specify the various fields contained in the metadata object.

    "_id": "550b0b10264ed792cace7a3c",
    "name": "user",
    "details": {
        "_id": "id - string",
        "name": "string",
        "surname": "string",
        "email": "string",
        "phone": "string",
        "company_id": "id - string",
        "department_id": "id - string",
        "username": "string",
        "password": "hex - string",
        "role": "string"

It is easy to understand that this is a template for User entity and the details field contains a sub-document that describes the various fields contained in the User metadata entity.

The TemplateDetails sub-entity is represented by the class com.tilab.fiware.metaware.dao.impls.mongodb.domain.TemplateDetails.


For this first version of Metaware, we decided to use the Basic Access Authentication method, which consists in providing a username and password when making a HTTP request (REST). Every REST API accepts an authorization header parameter (String authorization) that is used to identify the user who is requesting the current resource. Here's an example:

public Response getAlgorithmsList(@HeaderParam("Authorization") String authorization) {

The steps to produce this authorization string are well-known and at this address you can find a brief explanation.

Once the HTTP request comes to Metaware REST API, the method filter(ContainerRequestContext crc) from the class (which implements ContainerRequestFilter class) is executed automatically; this method first extracts the authorization string from the header of the request (crc), which is passed to the method decodeBasicAuth (class om.tilab.fiware.metaware.core.Util) that returns an array of strings composed by username and password. The filter method starts from the credentials (just retrieved) and search for the related user (getUserByCredentials(String username, String password)). If the user exists and is valid, then the authorization check is performed.


The authorization in Metaware strongly relies on securityRoleFiler(User user, String verb, String path) method and on Permission entities (and of course the related method checkPerm(List<Permission> permissionsList, String userId, CharSequence perm)).

When a new request comes and the related user is correctly deduced from the credentials, the securityRoleFilter method is called, by passing all the necessary parameters. The very first check is about the user, and in particular if the user is an administrator (user.isAdmin()), the authorization is immediately granted; this behavior might not be the best and probably this process will be enhanced during the next releases.

If the user is not an administrator (or admin) then we can identify several branches of execution, each branch is related to a specific type of resources and in particular we have: - algorithms - api-docs (this is for Swagger-UI) - companies - datasets - datasources - departments - discoverObjects - users - templates

The behavior for each branch is quite similar and consists in: 1. retrieve the specified resource; 2. check if it is public or not; 3. check if the requestor is the owner of the resource; 4. considering the HTTP verb of the request (i.e., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), check the permissions array associated with the resource.

Basically, if the resource is public or the requestor is its owner, the securityRoleFilter method returns true, otherwise the method checkPerm is executed. The latter takes the array of permissions associated with the resources, the Id of the requestor, and the action to be checked (i.e., r for read, u for update, d for delete), then checks if there is a permission in the array that corresponds to the requestor. If there is a match, the allowed actions are checked and the method returns true or false based on this last check.

If at the end of this process the user is authorized, the request can proceed, and the related REST API serves the request.

API summarize

Metaware exposes a rich set of RESTful API as Web Services, so all of them are accessible through HTTP calls. Most of them requires a basic authentication while calling (as explained before), this means that the header of the HTTP request must contain the authorization parameter with the hash of the user's credentials; in addition, when requested, another header parameter specifying the Content-Type must be inserted (application/json is valid in most of the cases).

The following is an example of a header parameters:

Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
Content-Type: application/json

Where the YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= string is the hash of the user credentials.

The payload of the HTTP requests, when requested, must respect the schema of the related resource you are going to call; this is important in order to maintain the functionalities of Metaware. Unspecified schema in resource's call is accepted by Metaware, but then some functionalities will not work properly.

The following is the list of available RESTful APIs from Metaware.

Please assume the root of the Metaware as the following: http://localhost:8080/metaware


Name Verb URL
Get Company GET /v1/companies/{companyId}
Get Companies List GET /v1/companies/
Create Company POST /v1/companies
Upsert Company PUT /v1/companies/{companyId}
Delete Company DELETE /v1/companies/{companyId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current Company metadata are: - "Create Company" - "Upsert Company"

Both of them have to respect the Company schema.

The "Upser Company" will replace the metadata of the selected company (specified by the companyId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.


Name Verb URL
Get Department GET /v1/departments/{departmentId}
Get Departments List GET /v1/departments
Create Department POST /v1/departments
Upsert Department PUT /v1/departments/{departmentId}
Delete Department DELETE /v1/departments/{departmentId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current Department metadata are: - "Create Department" - "Upsert Department"

Both of them have to respect the Department schema.

The "Upser Department" will replace the metadata of the selected department (specified by the departmentId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.


Name Verb URL
Get User GET /v1/users/{userId}
Get Users List GET /v1/users
Create User POST /v1/users
Upsert User PUT /v1/users/{userId}
Delete User DELETE /v1/users/{userId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current User metadata are: - "Create User" - "Upsert User"

Both of them have to respect the User schema.

It is possible to create or update a user without specifying the department_id nor the company_id, but it is important to include the key fields in the JSON payload request. The following is a JSON example of a User creation without Department and Company.

    "name" : "Marco",
    "surname" : "Terrinoni",
    "email" : "",
    "phone" : "123456789",
    "address" : "Via Terrinoni",
    "company_id" : "",
    "department_id" : "",
    "username" : "marco",
    "password" : "marco",
    "role" : "basic"

The "Upser User" will replace the metadata of the selected user (specified by the userId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.

While updating a User, it is important to mention that only an admin can change the role of a User (independently from his/her role), but in every case it is not possible to upgrade the role from "basic" to "admin" (only "admin" to "basic"). If you want to upgrade a basic user to an admin, you have to create a new admin user from scratch.


Name Verb URL
Discover usable objects GET /v1/discoverObjects/usable/{requestedId}
Discover owned objects GET /v1/discoverObjects/owner/{userId}


Name Verb URL
Get Algorithm GET /v1/algorithms/{algorithmId}
Get Algorithms List GET /v1/algorithms
Create Algorithm POST /v1/algorithms
Upsert Algorithm PUT /v1/algorithms/{algorithmId}
Delete Algorithm DELETE /v1/algorithms/{algorithmId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current Algorithm metadata are: - "Create Algorithm" - "Upsert Algorithm"

Both of them have to respect the Algorithm schema.

The "Upser Algorithm" will replace the metadata of the selected algorithm (specified by the algorithmId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.


Name Verb URL
Get Dataset GET /v1/datasets/{datasetId}
Get Datasets List GET /v1/datasets
Create Dataset POST /v1/datasets
Upsert Dataset PUT /v1/datasets/{datasetId}
Delete Dataset DELETE /v1/datasets/{datasetId}
Import Open Data POST /v1/datasets/importOpenData
Export Open Data GET /v1/datasets/exportOpenData/{datasetId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current Dataset metadata are: - "Create Dataset" - "Upsert Dataset" - "Import Open Data"

All of them have to respect the Algorithm schema. In particular the "Import Open Data" must respect the XML DCAT format representation of the Dataset, previously described in the Dataset schema. Still regarding the "Import Open Data" request, it is important to mention that the import process is not lossless.

The "Upser Dataset" will replace the metadata of the selected dataset (specified by the datasetId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.


Name Verb URL
Get Data-Source GET /v1/datasources/{datasourceId}
Get Data-Sources List GET /v1/datasources
Create Data-Source POST /v1/datasources
Upsert Data-Source PUT /v1/datasources/{datasourceId}
Delete Data-Source DELETE /v1/datasources/{datasourceId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current Data-Source metadata are: - "Create Data-Source" - "Upsert Data-Source"

Both of them have to respect the Data-Source schema.

The "Upsert Data-Source" will replace the metadata of the selected data-source (specified by the datasourceId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.


Name Verb URL
Get Process GET /v1/processes/{processId}
Get Processes List GET /v1/processes
Create Process POST /v1/processes
Upsert Process PUT /v1/processes/{processId}
Delete Process DELETE /v1/processes/{processId}

The APIs that require a payload with the information related to the current Process metadata are: - "Create Process" - "Upsert Process"

Both of them have to respect the Process schema.

The "Upsert Process" will replace the metadata of the selected process (specified by the processId) with the content of the payload of the HTTP request.


Name Verb URL
Get Template GET /v1/templates/{templateName}
Get Templates List GET /v1/templates
Create Template POST /v1/templates
Delete Template DELETE /v1/templates

The API that requires a payload with the information related to the current Template is "Create Data-Source"; the payload has to respect the Template schema.


Metaware also comes with a Swagger-UI interface, which contains the whole API list. Please, follow these instructions to interact with Metaware through Swagger-UI (http://:8080/swagger-ui/).